Welcome message from the Clergy and Parish Team

A message for summer – reserving moments for God

Isaiah 30:15 [New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition]

For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel:
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.

We wish the staff and pupils
of Holy Cross Primary School, Marymount School and other schools a restful and fruitful summer.

Pope Benedict: "He who neglects contemplation is deprived of the vision of the light of God;
he who is carried away with worry and allows his thoughts to be crushed by the tumult of the things of the world is condemned to the absolute impossibility of penetrating the secrets of the invisible God."

"While at work, with its frenetic rhythms, and during vacation, we have to reserve moments for God.

We have to open our lives up to him, directing a thought to him, a reflection, a brief prayer.

"And above all, we must not forget that Sunday is the day of Our Lord, the day of the liturgy, [the day] to perceive in the beauty of our churches, in the sacred music and in the Word of God, the same beauty of our God, allowing him to enter into our being."